RMIT PRS Presentation

June 2nd @ RMIT Design Hub
Melbourne, AUS

The confluence of design and future studies present opportunities to address the complex ethics around visualising the future. Yet these Western dominated disciplines bring outdated, biassed and colonial perspectives that remain unresolved and risk repeating the same mistakes that have led us to our current existential troubles. Both designers and futurists have been caught in the paradigm of idealist visionary thinking—to what end does futuring from these perspectives damage our opportunities at living better together? Designers and scholars alike are looking for ways to create more-than-human, plural and sustaining futures, but how do we do this without imposing our embedded colonial lens? In this work in progress presentation,I will present my earlyexplorationon how designers' tools have influenced the imagining of new worlds, from pre-digital design eras, across cultures and in contemporary times. Through this critical evaluation, I explore how experiential futures may be valuably employed with the innate power of communication design. My research ultimately seeks to address what inclusive andsustaining futures look like when we combine the expertise of designers and futurists.

As a part of Melbourne Design Week 2023, I’m taking part in two exciting panel talks “What Do You Do??” and “Plump”. You can buy tickets via the links.

View past and upcoming lectures and courses I’m leading at the Glasgow School of Art.

Melbourne Design Week Events

May 2023 @ RMIT Radio Room (Building 9) & RMIT Design Hub Gallery
Melbourne, Aus

Future As Medium at the Glasgow School of Art
